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Online Homework
For Exam 1 (ultimately due 5 February)
HW1: Algebraic Expressions (recommended due date 17 January)
HW2: Equations and inequalities and exponents and radicals (recommended due date 24 Jan)
For Exam 2 (ultimately due 4 March)
HW3: Functions (recommended due date 12 Feb)
HW4: Exponentials and logarithms (recommended due date 14 Feb)
HW5: Limits (recommended due date 19 Feb)
HW6: Intro to differentiation (recommended due date 21 Feb)
HW7: Deriatives of common functions (recommended due date 26 Feb)
For Exam 3 (ultimately due 8 April)
HW8: Product and quotient rules (recommended due 6 March)
HW9: Chain rule and implicit differentiation (recommended due 13 March)
HW10: Related rates (recommended due date 18 March)
HW11: Optimization (recmomended due date 21 March)
For final exam (ultimately due 27 April)
HW12: Antidifferentaition
HW13: Integration
HW14: Fundamental theorem of calculus
For Exam 1
Quiz 1 (due 18 Jan in Blackboard) [soln]: Add 2x+7+3xx+2.
Quiz 2 (due 25 Jan in Blackboard) [soln]: Solve the rational equation 5p−2−7p+2=12p2−4.
For Exam 2
Quiz 3 (due 6 Feb in Blackbaord) [soln]: Given h(ϕ)=(ϕ−1)2+ϕ, compute h(2), h(5), and h(x+1).
Quiz 4 (due 13 Feb in Blackboard) [soln]: Find (if it exists) these four things: lim, \displaystyle\lim_{x \rightarrow 3^+} f(x), \displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow 3} f(x), and f(3) in the following graph:

Quiz 5 (due 17 Feb in Blackboard) [soln]: Tell me where the curve has a positive derivative:

Quiz 6 (due 22 Feb in Blackboard) [soln]: Compute the derivative of h(x)=7x^2-5x+4.
For Exam 3
Quiz 7 (due 7 Mar in Blackboard) [soln]: Compute \dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} \left[ \dfrac{xe^x}{\ln(x)} \right].
Quiz 8 (due 14 Mar in Blackboard) [soln]: Let f(x)=2x^2-5x+2. Find and classify all local extrema of f.
Quiz 9 (due 12 Apr in Blackboard) []: Given that \displaystyle\int_2^5 f(x) \mathrm{d}x = 3 and \displaystyle\int_7^5 f(x) \mathrm{d}x = -2, compute \displaystyle\int_2^7 10f(x) \mathrm{d}x.
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3