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WeBWork (online homework)
(Step 1 due 27 October) Presentation Project
For Exam 1 (all due by 18 September 2023)
Homework 1: Review of functions
Homework 2: Limits (not limits as x→±∞)
Homework 3: Continuity and intermediate value theorem (only continuity part)
For Exam 2 (all due by 23 October)
Homework 4: Definition of differentiation and differentiation of polynomials
Homework 5: Nonpolynomial functions and the product and quotient rules
Homework 6: Chain rule and impiicit differentiation
Homework 7: Rates of change and related rates
Homework 8: Increasing and decreasing and concavity and 1st derivative test
For Exam 3 (all due by 27 November)
Homework 9: Absolute extrema and 2nd derivative test and applications
Homework 10: Mean Value Theorem
Homework 11: Limits revisited
Homework 12: Antidifferentiation
Homework 13: Riemann sums
For Exam 1
Quiz 1 (29 Aug 2023) [soln]: #1: Solve x2+3x+1=0. #2: Solve 2x+1=33x−2.
Quiz 2 (31 Aug 2023) [soln]: Compute limits based on a graph (see pdf)
Quiz 3 (7 Sep 2023) [soln]: Compute lim.
For Exam 2
Quiz 4 (12 Sep 2023) [soln]: Use the intermediate value theorem to estimate a root of the polynomial f(x)=x^7-5x^6+x^5-x^2+5x-1. Your solution should contain at least two steps in the root-finding process. (note: x=1 is a root -- don't use that as an endpoint of any interval!)
Quiz 5 (19 Sep 2023) [soln]: Let f(t)=2t^2+3t. Use the limit definition of the derivative to compute \dfrac{\mathrm{d}f}{\mathrm{d}t}.
Quiz 6 (22 Sep 2023) [soln]: Compute \dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} \Big[ x^7 - 5x^6 + x^5 - x^2 + 5x -1 \Big].
Quiz 7 () [soln]: Compute \dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}[x^3 \sin(x)] and \dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} e^x\cos(x).
Quiz 8/8.5 (due 13 Oct) [soln]: Find an equation for the tangent line to the function f(t)=e^{\sin(t)} at t=\frac{\pi}{2}. Include a drawing of the graph and its tangent line generated by software (e.g. Desmos).
Quiz 8/8.5 (due 13 Oct) [soln]: Find an equation for the tangent line to the function f(t)=e^t\sin(t) at t=\dfrac{3\pi}{4}. Include a drawing of the graph and its tangent line generated by software (e.g. Desmos).
Quiz 9 (due 13 Oct) [soln]: Find an equation for the tangent line to the so-called "Witch of Agnesi" given by y=\dfrac{1}{1+x^2} (see more here) at the point with x-coordinate 2 (note: you have to find the y-value of the point by plugging this x into the equation). Include in your solution a plot of the curve and the tangent line using software (e.g. Desmos).
Quiz 10 (due 13 Oct) [soln]: Using the technique from the 4 October lecture video, derive the derivative of the \arcsin function, i.e. figure out what \dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} \arcsin(x) is using implicit differentiation.
Quiz 11 (due 13 Oct) [soln]: The Stefan-Boltzmann law is an equation that relates the power radiated from a black body (e.g. black hole) in terms of its temperature. It is given by J=\sigma T^4 where J represents the total energy radiated per unit surface area of the black body per unit time, \sigma \approx 5.670 is a constant called the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and T represents temperature (measured in Kelvin, K).
If the temperature is decreasing at a rate of 3 \dfrac{K}{hr}, then how is the total energy radiated per unit surface area per unit time changing when the temperature is T=100K?
Quiz 12 (due 13 Oct) [soln]: Find and classify all local extrema of the cubic function f(x)=2x^3+3x^2-36x+5.
For Exam 3
Quiz 13 (due 31 Oct) []: The partition function p has asymptotic formula p(n) \approx \dfrac{1}{4n\sqrt{3}}e^{\pi\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\sqrt{n}}. Use this asymptotic formula to determine the following two limits:
\displaystyle\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} e^{-n}p(n),
\displaystyle\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \dfrac{1}{n^2}p(n).
Quiz 14 (due 7 Nov) []: Compute \displaystyle\sum_{k=3}^7 \big(k^2+k-1\big).
Quiz 15 (due 8 Nov) []: Find left and right Riemann sums for f(x)=\ln(x) over [1,2] using n=3 rectangles. Give the final answers as decimals.
Quiz 16 (due before break) []: Find local extrema of f(x) = \displaystyle\int_0^x \dfrac{t^2+2t+1}{1+\sin^2(t)} \mathrm{d}t.
Exam 1 (15 September) [soln]
Exam 2 (20 October)
Exam 3 (17 November)