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Homework 3 Solution
p. 46 E1: "Alice and Bob are both spies."
Symbolization key: A: "Alice is a spy; B: "Bob is a spy
Sentence: A∧B
p.46 E4: "The Germany embassy will be in an uproar, unless someone has broken the code."
Symbolization key: G: The German embassy will be in an uproar; C: Someone has broken the code.
p.46 E6: "Either Alice or Bob is a spy, but not both."
Symbolization key: A: "Alice is a spy."; B: "Bob is a spy."
Sentence: (A∨B)∧¬(A∧B)
p. 47 H2: "If Doctor Octopus gets the uranium, he will blackmail the city. I am certain of this beacuse if Doctor Octopus gets the uranium, he can make a dirty bomb, and if he can make a dirty bomb, he will blackmail the city."
Symbolization key: U: "Doctor Octopous gets the uranium"; C: "Doctor Octopus will blackmail the city."; B: "Doctor Octopus can make a dirty bomb."
Argument: (U \rightarrow B) \wedge (B \rightarrow C) \therefore (U \rightarrow C)
p. 55 C: The scope of the first \rightarrow is H \rightarrow I. The scope of the first \vee is (H \rightarrow I) \vee (I \rightarrow H). The scope of the second \rightarrow is I \rightarrow H. The scope of the \wedge is [(H \rightarrow I) \vee (I \rightarrow H)] \wedge (J \vee K). The scope of the second \vee is J \vee K.
p. 76 C1: Write a complete truth table for \neg(S \leftrightarrow (P \rightarrow S))
S&P&\neg(S & \leftrightarrow (P & \rightarrow S)) \\
T & T & \mathbf{F} & T & T \\
T & F & \mathbf{F} & T & T \\
F & T & \mathbf{F} & T & F \\
F & F & \mathbf{T} & F & T \\
p. 76 D4: Write a complete truth table for [(D \wedge R) \rightarrow I] \rightarrow \neg (D \vee R)
D&R&I& [(D &\wedge R)&\rightarrow I] &\rightarrow &\neg(D &\vee R) \\
T & T & T & & T & T & \mathbf{F} & F & T \\
T & T & F & & T & F & \mathbf{T} & F & T \\
T & F & T & & F & T & \mathbf{F} & F & T \\
T & F & F & & F & T & \mathbf{F} & F & T \\
F & T & T & & F & T & \mathbf{F} & F & T \\
F & T & F & & F & T & \mathbf{F} & F & T \\
F & F & T & & F & T & \mathbf{T} & T & F \\
F & F & F & & F & T & \mathbf{T} & T & F \\