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Syllabus [tex]
Exam 1 [pdf] [tex]
Exam 2 [pdf] [tex]
Exam 3 [pdf] [tex]

Slides from 28 March 2017: [pdf] [tex]
Slides from 30 March 2017: [pdf] [tex]
Slides from 4 April 2017: [pdf] [tex]
Slides from 6 April 2017: [pdf] [tex]
Slides from 11 April 2017: [pdf] [tex]
Slides from 13 April 2017: [pdf] [tex]
Slides from 18 April 2017: [pdf] [tex] (note: see these notes for worked out solutions to slides 6-7)
Slides from 20 April 2017: [pdf] [tex]

Other stuff
Notes from 14 February (notes on "Rule C.P.") [pdf] [tex]
Notes from 16 February (notes on "reductio ad absurdum") [pdf] [tex]
Extra example for exam 2: [pdf] [tex]
Notes related to 20 March class (notes on "Rule EG") [pdf] [tex]

Homework 1: (due 24 January) (solution): Chapter 1 (pg. 17): #2,3(a,b,d,h,i),4,5(a,c,d,f,h),6(a,c,d,e,f,g,i),7,8,9

Homework 2: (due 31 January) (solution): Chapter 1 (pg. 17): #10 (b,c,f,i,j), 11 (a,b,d,e), 14, 16 (a,c,e), 17 (b,d,f)

Homework 3: (due 7 February) (solution): see this file

Homework 4: (due 16 February) (solution): pg.35 #4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (interpret any "either...or"s as a disjunction)

Homework 5: (due 21 February) (solution): pg. 41 #1 (a),(b),(c),(d), 2, 3(a), (c), 4(a),(b)

Homework 6: (due 2 March) (solution: [pdf] [tex]): see this file

Homework 7 (due 7 March) (solution: [pdf] [tex]) see this file

Homework 8 (due 30 March) (solution) pg. 86 #2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12; pg. 89 #1,3

Homework 9 (due 6 April) (solution) pg. 96 #2,5,6,7; pg. 99 #1,4

Homework 10 (due 13 April) (solution) see this file for the problems ([tex])

Homework 11 (due 20 April) (solution) see this link

Homework 12 (due 4 May) (solution) see the assignment here (note: see 18 April and 20 April slides for the relevant material)