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Application of linear systems to chemistry
An atom is an object that appears in the periodic table of elements. A molecule is some finite combination of atoms written adjacently. A chemical equation is a representation of what happens when molecules come in contact with each other. A balanced chemical equation is a chemical equation that also shows how many of what molecules react and how many of what molecules result. For example, the following is a chemical equation that is not balanced:
because on the left you have a hydrogen molecule and an oxygen molecule consisting of, in total, 2 hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms respectively but on the right we see one water molecule conssiting of, in total, 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atoms. So on the left we have 2 hydrogens, 2 oxygens and on the right 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen. Because the number of atoms of each type on each side are different, we say the chemical equation is not balanced. To write this reaction balanced we would write
because now the total number of atoms on each side of each type are equal.
We will write molecules as vectors in the following way: we will assign rows to atoms and to each molecule we write the number and each type of atoms it has. For example in the above reaction, the atoms are only H and O. The molecules are H2,O2, and H2O. We will use the first row of vectors for H atoms and the second row of vectors for O atoms. In this case we can express each molecule as a vector in the following way:
We would write the balanced chemical equation from above as the vector equation
Example: The chemical reaction for the (combustion) reaction of octane and oxygen yielding water and carbon dioxide is
where (CH2)6 denotes 6 copies of CH2. This equation is not balanced because on the left side, in total, there are 8 C atoms, 18 H atoms, and 2 O atoms while on the right there are, in total, 1 C atom, 2 H atoms, and 3 O atoms. To balance this equation we will take vectors →v1,…,→v4 where each vector corresponds to the molecules that appear in the reaction. We will use the first row of each vector for C atoms, the second for H atoms, the third for O atoms. With this interpretation, we have the following four vectors:
To balance the equation is to find weights x1,x2,x3,x4 such that
(note: the values for x3 and x4 should end up negative because we are "subtracting" everything to the left side of the octane reaction equation -- if you write "−x3" instead of "x3",that is also ok -- all that happens is that x3 will be positive in such a case)
If we substitute the values of →v1,…,→v4 into the vector equation we get
Therefore we see that we need to solve the homogeneous system
After row operations (I pulled it off in 5 or 6 steps), we can find the matrix that the coefficient matrix is equivalent to:
Hence the homogeneous equation (∗) becomes
If we interpret this equation as a system we get
or equivalently
Hence the system (∗) has solution
Recall we said that x3 and x4 should be negative. Also it is convention to have only integer coefficients in balanced equations. So we will choose x4=−16 which yields
This means that we should balance the equation by writing
or equivalently
which when interpreted as a chemical equation in the way we defined yields
which is a balanced chemical equation because on the left-hand-side there are in total 16 C atoms, 36 H atoms, and 50 O atoms on the left and on the right-hand-side the same.