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Problems #35 on pg.61 and #8 on pg.68 are graded.

#35,pg.61: TRUE OR FALSE? If v1,v2,,v5 are in R5×1 and v3=0, then {v1,v2,,v5} is linearly dependent.
Solution: This is true because of Theorem 9, pg.59, which states that any set of vectors containing 0 is a linearly dependent set of vectors.

#8,pg.68: How many rows and columns must a matrix A have in order to define a mapping form R5×1 into R7×1 by the rule T(x)=Ax?
Solution: Let us write the size of A as m×n and the size of x=×1. We know that the multiplication Ax is well-defined if and only if n=. We would like the "input" vectors x to be of size 5×1 and the "output" vectors to be of size 7×1. Therefore x must be of size 5×1 and A must be of size 7×5.