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Problems #1 and #7, pg.47 are graded.

Problem #1,pg.47:Determine if the system has a nontrivial solution or not: {2x15x2+8x3=02x17x2+x3=04x1+2x2+7x3=0. Solution: We form the augmented matrix associated with this sytem of equations and compute [258027104270][101780013400000]. Now interpret the reduced echelon form as a system to get {x1+178x3=0x234x3=00=0 or equivalently {x1=178x3x2=34x30=0. Thus we see the solution vector x has the form x=[x1x2x3]=[178x334x3x3]=x3[178341], where x3 is a free variable. Hence the system has nontrivial solutions (one for each nonzero value that x3 can take).

Problem #7,pg.47: Describe all solutions of Ax=0 in parametric vector form, where A=[13370145]. Solution: We write the matrix equation Ax=0 as a vector equation in the following way: x1[10]+x2[31]+x3[34]+x4[34]=0. We solve this vector equation by writing the augmented matrix and compute [1337001450][1098001450]. Hence we see that this is equivalent to the system of equations {x1+9x38x4=0x24x3+5x4=0, or equivalently {x1=9x3+8x4x2=4x35x4. Therefore we may write the solution vector x as x=[x1x2x3x4]=[9x3+8x44x35x4x3x4]=x3[9410]+x4[8501], which is the solution expressed in parametric vector form, with parameters (i.e. free variables) x3 and x4.