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Problems #12, pg.40 and the additional problem (A) are graded.

Problem #12, pg.40: Write the augmented matrix for the linear system that corresponds to the matrix equation Ax=b for A=[121342523] and b=[2412]. Then solve the system and write the solution as a vector.
Solution: The augmented matrix we seek is [121134225233]. We will find a solution by row reduction. So compute

[121134225233]r2=r2+3r1r3=r35r1[121102150888]r3=r3+4r2[1211021500412]r3=14r3[121102150013]r1=r1+r3r2=r2+r3[120402080013]r1=r1r2[100402080013]r2=12r2[100401040013]. Therefore we see that the solution is x1=4,x2=4,x3=3. So we now write the solution vector x: x=[x1x2x3]=[443]. Additional Problem (A): Solve the matrix equation Ax=b where A=[101011001] and b=[b1b2b3].
Solution: We know the solution of this equation to be equivalent to the solution of the system whose augmented matrix is [101b1011b2001b3]r1=r1+r3r2=r2+r3[100b1+b3010b2+b3001b3]r2=r2r3=r3[100b1+b3010b2b3001b3] hence we see that the solution is given by x=[b1+b3b2b3b3.]