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Problems #1,11 on pg.236 are graded.

#1, pg.236: Assume that the matrix A is row equivalent to the matrix B. Determine the rank of A and the dimension of NulA without calculations. Find the bases for ColA, RowA and NulA: A=[1497124156107], B=[101502560000].

Solution: By observation we know that rank(A)=2 because there are two nonzero rows (and hence a basis of Row A containing two elements --- this can also be seen by noting that there are only two pivot columns). The rank-nullity theorem now shows that dimNulA=4rankA=42=2.

Also by observation we can see that a basis for the row space of A is Brow={[1015]T,[0256]T} and a basis for the column space Bcol={[115],[426]}. To find a basis for the nullspace, we will first compute the reduced echelon form of A (start computing this from B!) and we see A[1015015230000]. To find a basis for the nullspace we need to solve the equation Ax=0 and our row reduction shows that solving this equation yields the augmented matrix [1015001523000000]. From this we write the associated system of equations {x1x3+5x4=0x252x3+3x4=00=0 and so we see that all solutions x of Ax=0 can be expressed as x=[x1x2x3x4]=[x35x452x33x4x3x4]=x3[15210]+x4[5301]. Therefore we see that a basis for the nullspace of A is given by BNul={[15210],[5301]}. #11,pg.237: If the nullspace of an 8×5 matrix A is 3-dimensional, what is the dimension of the row space of A?

Solution: The rank-nullity theorem tells us that rankA=5dimNulA=53=2. The other part of the rank-nullity theorem tells us that rankA=dimRowA and so we see dimRowA=2.