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Problem #21 from pg.175 and problem #5 from pg.195.
#21, pg.175: Use determinants to find out if the matrix is invertible:
Solution: Compute the determinant:
We see that the determinant is nonzero and hence we can conclude that A is invertible.
#5, pg.195: Determine if the given set is a subspace of Pn (the set of polynomials of degree ≤n): all polynomials of the form p(t)=at2, where a∈R.
Solution: Let S denote the set of polynomials of the form p(t)=at2 where a∈R. Clearly S⊂Pn. The zero vector of Pn is the zero polynomial and that polynomial is in S -- to see this consider when a=0. If p1,p2∈S and α,β are scalars, then we know there are real numbers a1,a2 such that p1(t)=a1t2 and p2(t)=a2t2. Now compute
but this is a polynomial in S because αa1+βa2 is a real number. Hence by the subspace criterion, S is a subspace of Pn.
Note: many people solved this problem by noting the space in question is equal to span{t2} and hence by Theorem 1 it is a subspace. This is a perfectly good proof!