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Problems #11 from pg. 32 and additional problem (A) are graded.

#11, pg.32: Determine if b is a linear combination of a1,a2, and a3 where a1=[120],a2=[012],a3=[568],b=[216]. Solution: To write b as a linear combination of a1,a2, and a3 means we must find the weights x1,x2,x3 (if they exist) that satisfy x1a1+x2a2+x3a3=b. When the vector algebra is simplified (carry out the vector sums) we get the equation [x1+5x32x1+x26x32x2+8x3]=[216], which is a system of linear equations. We will solve this system using the augmented matrix [105221610286]r2=r2+2r1[105201430286]r3=r32r2[105201430000] If we interpret this augmented marix as a system, we get {x1+5x3=2x2+4x3=30=0 or equivalently {x1=25x3x2=34x30=0 We are free to choose any value of x3 so we will choose x3=0 and doing so yields the solution {x1=2x2=3x3=0. This implies that we should be able to write the vector b as 2a1+3a2+0a3=[240]+[036]=[216]=b, as was to be shown.
NOTE: Every different choice of x3 yields a different linear combination that yields b. Here we call x3 a free variable.

Additional Problem (A): Solve the matrix equation Ax=b where A=[101011001] and b=[b1b2b3].
NOTE: Many people wrote the matrix in this problem as [101010001]. This may because I made a typo in class...I will not penalize correct answers that start with this matrix instead of the actual problem.
Solution: We know the solution of this equation to be equivalent to the solution of the system whose augmented matrix is [101b1011b2001b3]r1=r1+r3r2=r2+r3[100b1+b3010b2+b3001b3]r2=r2r3=r3[100b1+b3010b2b3001b3] hence we see that the solution is given by x=[b1+b3b2b3b3.]