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Problems #1,5 are graded.

Problem 1: Let (R4×1,x,y) be an inner product space where x,y denotes dot product. Show that the vectors a=[1234] and b=[4321] are orthogonal vectors.

Solution: Compute [1234],[4321]=(1)(4)+(2)(3)+(3)(2)+(4)(1)=46+6+4=0, showing the vectors are orthogonal.

Problem 5: Consider the vector space (P,,) where the inner product is given by p(x),q(x)=p(x)q(x)ex2dx. It can be shown (via methods of problem 4) that the moments in this inner product space are 1,1=π, x,1=0, x2,1=π2, x3,1=0, x4,1=3π4, x5,1=0, x6,1=15π8. Use these moments and the "linear in the first argument" property of inner products (noted here) to compute 4x2+3x+9,1 and 32x564x3+24x,1.
Solution: Recall that the "linear in the first argument" says that αv+βu,w=αv,w+βu,w. Hence we may compute 4x2+3x+9,1=4x2,1+3x,1+91,1=4π2+0+9π=11π and 32x564x3+24x,1=32x5,164x3,1+24x,1=0+0+0=0.