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Problems #6,16, pg.237 are graded.

#6, pg.237: If a 7×5 matrix A has rank2, find dimNulA, dimRowA, and rankAT.

Solution: By the rank-nullity theorem, we know that for any matrix A, dimColA=dimRowA=dimRowAT=dimColAT=rankA, and so we conclue that dimRowA=2 and rankATdef=dimColAT=2. Also by the rank-nullity theorem, rankA+dimNulA=5, so we compute dimNulA=5rankA=52=3.

#16, pg.237: Is A is a 7×5 matrix, what is the smallest possible dimension of NulA?

Solution: The rank-nullity theorem tells us that dimNulA=5rankA. What are the possible ranks that a 7×5 matrix may have? In this case the answer is 5. Let us explain why: recall that rankA=dimColA=dimRowA. We have a characterization of dimColA as "the number of pivot columns of A" and a characterization of dimRowA as "the number of nonzero rows of A" when A is an echelon form. Since A has 7 rows, there could be at most 7 nonzero rows. Since A has 5 columns, there could be at most 5 pivot columns. This restricts the rank to having values 0,1,2,3,4, or 5. So we see that the possible values for dimNulA are 5,4,3,2,1, or 0.

Therefore the smallest possible dimension of dimNulA is 0.