Problem 9 on the exam: Maximize the surface area of a box (with a lid) with volume 1000 (without using Lagrange multipliers). Surface area equation: SA=2xy+2yz+2xz and volume equation V=xyz=1000. (NOTE: The intention here was to force them to use the second derivative test. Recall that we only have two ways to optimize functions in Calc 3: either the second derivative test or Lagrange multipliers. Students very commonly tried a third, mysterious, method.)

WRONG solution that was very common: Let f(x,y,z)=2xy+2yz+2xz. Consider the system
At this point there were two variations which I will discuss:

VARIATION 1: Set equation (i) equal to equation (ii) and get
Now set equation (ii) equal to equation (iii) and get
From () we deduce that x=y=z. Now take the volume equation, which now reads xyz=1000 and substitute our findings to get x3=1000 and thus x=10003=10. Therefore both y and z are 10 and the max surface area is given by SA=2(10)(10)+2(10)(10)+2(10)(10)=600. WHY THIS IS WRONG: The conclusion that y=x was not checked in equation (iii). If it were, you would find that (iii) states 2y+2x=0 and since y=x this yields 4x=0 and therefore x=0. The conclusion that x=0 here is unavoidable and therefore the conclusion that x=10 later is a logical contradiction.
VARIATION 2: In equation (i) solve for y and see that
Plug this into equation (ii) to deduce that 2x2y=0 and therefore
At this point most people either jumped to the xyz=1000 equation and concluded that x=y=z=10 somehow (I saw MANY feats of mental gymnastics to justify this--all were wrong).
WHY THIS IS WRONG:: Formula () says y=z but the conclusion made says x=y=z=10. It's impossible for both y=z and y=10=z to hold. That is a logical contradiction.
ACTUAL SOLUTION: Use the volume equation to deduce that z=1000xy and plug that into the surface area equation to get the function
Find critical points of this function by solving the system of equations
Equation (A) implies that y=1000x2. Plug this into equation (ii) to get equation
which has real-valued solutions
We throw away x=0 for not making physical sense (a box can't have volume 1000 when one of its sides are length 0). So we must use x=10. This implies that
so the only critical point of our system is x=10 and y=10. We can check that this is a minimum by computing
and therefore at x=10,y=10,
So since at the critical point, D>0 and fxx(10,10)>0, we must conclude by the second derivative test that the critical point is a local minimum.