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Chapter 1, #3 (h) : Translate the following sentence into symbolic notation:
"If John testifies and tells the truth, he will be found guilty; and if he does not testify, he will be found guilty."
Solution: Let $P$ be "John testifies.", $Q$ be "John tells the truth", $R$ be "John will be found guilty.", and $S$ be "John does not testify." Then this sentence translates to $$[(P \wedge Q) \rightarrow R] \wedge (\neg P \rightarrow R).$$

Chapter 1, #4 (a): Determine the truth value of the sentence
"If Galileo was born before Descartes, then Newton was not born before Shakespeare."
Solution: Let $P = ``$Galileo was born before Descartes$"$ and $Q=``$ Newton was not born before Shakespeare$"$. As we are told in this problem, $P$ is true and "Newton was born before Shakespeare" is false (so $Q$, which is the negation of this statement, is true). The given sentence, written symbolicly, is $$P \rightarrow Q.$$ If we substituting in the truth values that we are given, this yields $T \rightarrow T$, which is true (by the implication truth table).

Chapter 1, #5 (d): If $N$ and $W$ are true and $C$ is false, is the following sentence true or false?
$$N \leftrightarrow (\neg W \vee C)$$ Solution: Substitute the truth values in and calculate using truth tables: $$T \leftrightarrow (\neg T \vee F)$$ $$T \leftrightarrow (F \vee F)$$ $$T \leftrightarrow F,$$ which is false.

Chapter 1, #6 (e): If $P, Q,$ and $R$ are true and $S$ is false, is the following sentence true or false? $$(P \wedge Q) \wedge (R \wedge S)$$ Solution: Substitute in the truth values and calculate using truth tables: $$(T \wedge T) \wedge (T \wedge F)$$ $$T \wedge F,$$ which is false.

Chapter 1, #6 (i): If $P, Q,$ and $R$ are true and $S$ is false, is the following sentence true or false? $$(P \rightarrow \neg Q) \rightarrow (S \leftrightarrow R)$$ Solution: Substitute in the truth values to get $$(T \rightarrow \neg T) \rightarrow (F \leftrightarrow T)$$ $$(T \rightarrow F) \rightarrow F$$ $$F \rightarrow F,$$ which is true.